What Is Psychotherapy All About?
Psychotherapy is a form of mental health treatment that assists people in navigating their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It provides individuals with the opportunity to make positive changes in their life by helping them gain insight into their behavior and emotions, develop coping skills, and resolve conflicts.
A Problem With the Quest for Work/Life Balance
In an increasingly competitive job market, it's not enough to just work hard and expect that your mental health and personal life will take care of themselves. It's important to prioritize more than the conventional work/life balance and focus on pursuing wellness in all areas of our lives - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and social.
An Ode To Anger
anger does not get enough credit for what it does in our lives. It is an emotion that can be used constructively, to help us stand up for ourselves and protect what we care about. It is so important to learn how to manage anger in a healthy way and use it as an opportunity to grow emotionally. I’ve written a short poem in to our anger.
Reflections on the Giving Tree
Reflections on the Giving Tree